Run 2004 – COVID Run 28 - NumNum from the Gong Reserve
Donuts and Evil tried the trail on early on the Friday in an attempt to avoid the crappy weather only to have the Park Ranger pull them up and point out the “No Dogs Allowed” sign. The cold and wet disappeared Saturday arvo and allowed Hash to head around the Gong trail to enjoy the fresh air and natural beauty.
Hash Zoom Circle # 30 was attended by: Spence, Fop, SS, Lois, Pauline, Nutsy, NBCL, DnC, Donuts, Rowdy, Bent, BP, Teflon, GILF, Dumb, Num, CrisCros, Mountie, Campaspee, Bitch Face, Dim Wit, Fang and Mrs D.
Being the Monday before the AFL GF both Fang and Fop donned the Mighty Cats colours.
The pre-formality conversations were broad and included Bitch Face complaining that Tassie had been overrun with Bloody Kiwis. SS announced that he’d found a hat and mask on trial, "one like Campaspee is wearing" (she’s not wearing a mask!). Cris Cros took ownership of the mask, which made sense as it appeared to be covered in marijuana leaves (Horticultural Hash mask).
Spence announced that he’d paid for a Zoom subscription which allows for unlimited time on Zoom, but he may have fucked up as this week’s zoom was still due to finish at 7:30.
Our Screw (Bent Nose) began by pointing out the trail was set from the dunny, not the rotunda. The was mention of the “agile antechinus”, native ducks and not-so native rabbits; even Nummy’s pussy got a mention (bad timing, poor Nummy cat died a few days earlier). It was a well-set trail, except for the close proximity of the return trail to the outward trail.
Final score was 240 Megalitres (the amount of water that flows down the Yarrowee creek each day) …. Shitty Trail
Spence announce Sniffycunt runs – Campaspee 47 + Bait 1453 = 1500
Mountie 1273 – digit sum of the square root of 169
Dumb 1219 - digit sum of the square root of 169
Bait -1453 - digit sum of the square root of 169
37 runners digit sum of 1 which is the square of itself, and 37 is a prime number prime (Bitch Face said she’d prefer to be watching the Brownlow)
Stand in Sergeant was Mrs D and called charges for
Teflon : we couldn’t see his lips move while singing shitty trail. (his beard makes him look like a homeless hobo)
Donuts : for getting Evil kick out of the Gong – Campaspee saw other people there with dogs (they were allowed to walk with their dogs because they aren’t arseholes)
Num and Dumb : coming from Webster st. they’re above applying for council permits
Dumb : Nummy’s pussy is dead so doesn’t need his blue pill
Rowdy showed us his pussy
KFC and Campaspee : taking a 2.5km run shortcut
Num and Dumb (the Hares)– the drinks stop was visible more than 1 km from home
Telfon : His beard is the "GLIF tickler"
SS charged Bitch Face : a text came through from Border Force, – there are Kiwis everywhere in Tassie… keep away from our sheep!
Nummy has new shoes
Dim Wit: What did the cheese say when it looked in the mirror… “hello me”(Halloumi)
Bitch Face: Teacher asked Johnny to use the word “Contagious”. His response; “The neighbour was painting his house with a small brush, it too that Cunt-ages to finish it all".
Next week’s run
Committee run from Sailors Falls
(ps. sorry for the delay in posting, it completely slipped my mind)