Thursday, June 25, 2020

Run 1987, Zoom#13, CoVid #11, Monday 22 June 2020, Hares Head Hunter and Quick Dick, venue Eureka Pool. (Apologies in the delay of the scribe update)
A run in the fabulous East which set off in an even more Easterly direction. A well-marked run that meandered through the mires of Mt Xavier. The reward at the return of the rigorous run was a refuge resplendent with refreshments.
Attendees at the Zoom meeting were Spence, SS, Bent, BP, Half a Bar, Rowdy, NBCL, D&C, Nutcracker, Mountie (reluctant Pus Bucket), Donuts, Mrs D, Jitterbug, Fascinator, Num, Dumb, Head Hunter, Quick Dick, Beer Phuck, Fang, Fop , Campaspe, Pauline, Lois and Bitch Face,
After thirteen Zoom meeting across three months one would think that Zoom etiquette would be on the improve, but alas, all this poor scribe heard for the first 18 minutes was about 6 simultaneous conversations. Highlights of these early cacophonous moments included a Tommy duplication (showing both the conventional front on view and a fetching profile view), as well as the “Satin couple” (Nutsy and NBCL) who looked fresh from a round on the workbench. (see pics)

Order was called for and the Screw (Bent Nose) announce that he was opposed to Hares (Bent’s internet connection was patchy and I missed the punchline, though it was a reference to HH and QD’s Zoom background)
Highlights of the run included the Fabulous East and the first ever trail up Lalor Street
Lowlights mentioned were a confusing trail at York Street and a Wetty and shitty trail. (Blame the RA). Quote from Bent Nose “Who knew that there were wetlands in the East”, and “it was fortunate that Mrs D was there to point out the wet spots”. There was mention that Head Hunter thought it was hilarious that Mrs D had wet shoes.
Half way through describing his love for the pink pinecone marking Bent Nose's internet connection failed completely and we were all left in suspense.
He came back just in time for his “coup de grace”…. The overall score: 007 (Bent originally had a Zoom background showing HH and QD at a masquerade ball…visual gags don’t work)
Donuts asked the Keeper of the Book (D&C) if there were any significant runs. Unfortunately D&C was muted, or munted, or in a deep coma (see pic), and it took 5 minutes to rouse her. After all that wait she announced that there were “no significant runs”.
(By now Zoom time was running out)
The Sergeant (Quick Dick) threw forward a few quick charges:
Donuts was charge because “Evil didn’t attack Campaspee’s dogs”, and Beer Phuck was charged for turning up Sunday and not staying to help dig out the ivy plant.
Charges from the masses included:
Palindromic Date “20-6-20”
Mountie ran the trail on Monday with Head Hunter and wasn’t offered a beer.
HH rebounded this charge as Mountie helped the Hash consume all 4 slabs at the DS on Saturday
Beef Phuck didn’t get a beer on Sunday either – “no beers left but lots of fucks available”
Donuts charged the Hares for taking him past the dam he almost drowned in when he was 4
Nutsy charged Head Hunter because the Irish ruined the AFL
D&C was charged throwing her money away on the trail AGAIN!!
Bitch Face accused all the Victorians for ruining it for everyone
Quick Dick responded by saying that Tassie still has the Spanish Flu and COVID is still a century away
Next week’s Hares are Just Cum and Wee Problem at a venue TBC

Friday, June 19, 2020

OK, Run 1986, Zoom#12, CoVid #10, Monday 15 June 2020, Hares Normal and Masturbait.
Note to Donuts: Do Not take a thing for granted. The disintegration is commencing; The Committee is shattering.
What have we learned? Masturbait couldn't be bothered attending his own screw. Normal couldn't be bothered attending his own circle. No scribe. Silence from the usually garrulous Bitch Face, Mountie unusually quiet, ditto Head Hunter. Criss Cross (sadly) having to take up the slack. And Bent Nose is a smart arse.
Anyway, it was a well set run with a warm and generous drink stop for those who could be bothered turning up during opening hours. Jill kept the food warm and the beers cold whilst Normal and Bait entertained the masses. Dogs were problematic.
30 attended the drink stop, and claimed to be on the run.
Attendees at the Zoom were Spence, SS, Bent, BP, Tommy Half a fucken Bar, Rowdy, NBCL, D&C, Nutcracker, Mountie (with Pus Bucket shadowing in the background), Donuts, Fuckinator, Num, Dumb, Normal, Criss Cross, Head Hunter, Quick Dick, Mrs D (Immaculate Conception on vocals, Randolph on bass) , Campaspe, Teflon, Pauline, Lois, BF#2, and Dimwit.
After the usual banter, mainly Tommy fucken Half a fucken Bar saying he couldn't be fucken scribe because he can't fucken reed or fucken right, the circle commenced at 1912 hrs.
Donuts welcomed all, announced a sniffy c*nt run as Pebbles (absent from the circle) with 545, and alluded to last week's cold pussy being made up for by this weeks' hot dog. Same result; a mess all over the carpet.
Quick handball (footy's back!) to the Screw, Bent Nose. Bent commented on the back door /front door start dilemma, noted the early laneways, and took the route personally as it passed most of his houses pre and post marriage(s), noted all the "on Backs " at the Western Oval, then marvelled at the painted rainbow arrows - (ad libbed) "Its just a gay thing Normal's getting behind".
"Sensational Drink Stop" lead into SHITTY TRAIL, which on Monday's reckoning must be the saddest song ever sung.
And the score? 13.6
Which happens to be the date on which the screw strolled the run. Clever Dick ! ( or smart arse; you choose)
Moving write along; QD as Sergeant is yet to hit the heights. Glimpses of form but no sustained brilliance.
Nummy charged for Macron spewing up cold pussy. The lushes got their comeuppance (Lois, Pauline, Mrs D). D&C had a complaint regarding the book (still @ the Gulch)
Dimwit is stuck on 99 red balloons, turning up to the Zoom, but not attending the run, Celebrated by telling the chewing gum joke. Maybe you'll strike gold next week, Juri.
The GM was upbraided for forgetting a most sniffy run: Teflon 200. Well done John, he's run every bit of all of them and contributed mightily. And on the same theme, we are reminded that SS is currently sitting on 1698 runs. We may be able to celebrate in person for the 1700 !!!
Next week's run clashes with ladies hash, so you are encouraged to attend on Saturday, from the Eureka Pool, with the drink stop at an undisclosed location from 12 - 6. Hares Head Hunter and Quick Dick.
On ON !!