Run 1940, Hare Lois Lane from her residence.
Typically shitty Ballarat July weather all week failed to improve just because it was Monday night and the Ballarat Hash was running from Alfredton. The pack met at the home of Pauline and Lois Lane, where we were welcomed by the Fascinating GM, who greeted us with "which prick has parked in front of the drink stop car?" . Once the gender of the perpetrator (clue: not a prick) was sorted, a healthy pack of runners ran around the block, then made good use of walking trails through the suburb, making the run interesting, with varied terrain and largely sheltered from the wind and drizzle. A larger pack of walkers did their own loop and arrived at the well stocked and well chilled drink stop; after the bar flies but before the runners. Despite the chill wind a leisurely drink or two was had before the short walk back to base.
Shoes off at the front door.
The run was almost christened the 'wet spot' or 'wet sock' run, however down downs commenced with "Tommy, shut the fuck up". Which he did, briefly.
The heroics of our fellow ANZACs in London on the weekend was noted, as was the Kiwi nature of our hosts, and sympathies were genuinely expressed.
Welcomes Back to : Half a Bar, Bent Nose, and Shafted (They're stupid)
Then to Quick Dick who had to miss last week for an all expenses paid night out at the Forge. He didn't look too distressed. Also to Donuts, who was charged for having a Hash name that the GM could actually wear in public. (U.G.L.Y)
Sniffy C#unt runs D&D 1116, Fascinator 116 (Put in in your hand, Mrs Murphy)
Shafted the Screw was next up. Whingeing. "6.47 start" "the wind was too strong/cold/wet". Accused Dimwit of collecting all the shoes left at the front door. (Who let the shoes in?) Forgot to screw the run until reminded, then "the second 8 km was superb".
Lois took the Down Down (She's all right...then SHITTY TRAIL)
Mountie the Sergeant fronted despite the prophetic blood red stain on her St Kilda scarf. 1940; McDonalds came into existence, Half a Bar was reminded of his "This will never last" comment. Then she actually screwed the run and got Lois out the front (ya stupid)
Kiwis were next for the "Youse were robbed" charge (Build a Bonfire....)
Charges from Before the Run
Nutcracker for putting her G-string on backwards, eventually noticing. (you ought to be publicly pissed on... ) Dimwit for parking so well he backed into the rubbish bin (no no no, bin bin bin, down down down)
other charges; Bitch Face had a number of charges relating to the absence (apparently) of any big cocks at Hash. 'Twas a cold night.....
Fang was upset due to the shoes at the front door doing him out of a steam cleaning rip off job.
FOP had a charge just like the beer (it went flat)
Rowdy charged the GM for failing to welcome him back.
Winston Churchill's (Never... ) speech was resurrected.
Next weeks run, after much equivocation, will be at the North Britain Hotel < Hare Road Runner, trail as previous.
Meat Loaf and scalloped potatoes, green and orange vegetables, dessert and red wine, and Normal settling in for the night followed.
They done good.
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