Monday, February 12, 2018

12 - 2 - '18     Run 1864    South Gardens

PUSBUCKET's cricket run with a roll-up of 35+ (Youse Pricks 
wouldn't stand still to be counted).
18 runners took off toward the lake, & then north as far as the
wetland & Gregory, except for the Short C C's - think 
FASCINATOR & PIMP went via the cape !! On thru' the Prime 
Minister's walk, toward the Drink-stop & On after. 
Noticeable halts were at the labour PM's including Joe Lyons 
et al, but a marker to keep us mobile past the Budgie 
Smuggler - who knew ?
Back at the Drink-stop, the grog was out & teams quickly put
in place for 'the game'. A couple of stand-outs in the field -
SHAFTED's best catch of the day & PLUCKA's back-handed
throw to hit the stumps. Not sure about those with the bat.
20 minutes into the game we saw FASCINATOR jog in, while
SILIC was still scanning the horizon for No1 son PIMP & his
return, & that was 10 mins. later again. ROWDY walked back
into the "rooms", saying he's had his 2 balls - pity we had to
leave SILIC out of that conversation!! Other comments in the
Member's Stand were from NORMAL saying "I was gonna 
have sex last night but I forgot" - (being on his own at the 
time wouldn't have bothered him), then SHAFTED retrieving
an empty chip bag from the bin "just looking for the sand at
the bottom to replace some salt".
Streaker ROWDY did a circuit, & if it hadn't been such a cool
night, he might've lost the dangling middle 'leg' on the 
middle stump!! When one Dr streaks, all Dr's should streak,
but DR DEATH, QUICK DICK & JITTERBUG were missing in
action, although 'CLITTERBUG' did take particular notice
that DR ROWDY was a true ranga!!
Post match & On after, FOP welcomed everyone again to the
annual cricket bash, with welcomes back for IMMACULATE
                      (U.G.L.Y. ...... no alibi ...... you're ugly).
FASCINATOR (still puffing) commented best everything,
run & cricket etc., with a Bradman'esq Fascination level
of 9.64  ..........           (S.H.I.T.T.Y. trail ).
Stand-in Sergeant QUICK DICK had ROWDY out first
for his streak.    (Mrs Murphy ... it's got a neck like a turkey).
Next was BP for sniffyc*nt run 1111 - ummm, palindromic
upside down & every which way, digit sum of 4, which is 
the square of 2 .... ad naus - SPENCE ?? then SOS & HYMIE
drank up as the 'downhill men'.   (They're the meanest).
ROWDY charged SILIC & offspring PIMP, saying the silliest
c*nt went looking for the trail, then DR DEATH charged 
NUTCRACKER for her gymnastics on the field, but 
SHAFTED chimed in saying "her vag was not all that it's
cracked up to be".
DR DEATH recognised the incapacitated Umpire 
SPARTACUS for his service, & then MOUNTIE charged the
DR ....... & as one DR drinks.....!
NUMMY had the Kiwi's out together - LOIS LANE & BP
with HYMIE, & for some reason (?) JITTERBUG
PUSBUCKET read out scores - SOS & HYMIE -19, 
DONUTS zero, with SHAFFY & FASCINATOR winning the day.
                  (Oughta be ......... ).
PUSBUCKET & SPARTACUS were last charge as the Officials.
NORMAL was kept busy at the BBQ Trailer - we had snags in
bread, hamburgers & cooked onions in rolls with salad,
followed by the mandatory MOUNTIE, great carrot cake 
......... & beer.
Next week's run - 1865 - Hare TEFLON at Surface Hill Rd,
left off Sebas/Smythes Rd almost to Smythesdale.
On after, same.

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