Tuesday, January 16, 2018

15 - 1 - '18    Run 1860    53 Sorrento Dve

LOIS LANE's mirkin run (thru' her bush) & there turned out
to be a bit of that thru' Vic Park. Donuts were a touch of 
flavour for the night - it was actually DONUTS' "6 figure"
Birthday - Happy 60 DONUTS.
LOIS told us of the 2 stops - 'Refreshment' & 'Drink'. 
The run took 20 odd (odd alright !!), athletes along the old
rail trail, over by the POW Memorial & down thru' Vic Park.
NORMAL assumed command of the 4 walkers, while 
DR DEATH was chauffeur for 'crutchy' Ellanor & HALF A BAR.
The Refreshment Stop gave us the 'LOIS Jelly Shots' & donuts
of all varieties - chocolate, icing topped, custard filled, to the
traditional - did you put the hole in the donuts DONUTS?
We were lucky that DR DEATH had driven in before us - his
car completely covered the HH marker - we might've got lost!
Onward then, to the well stocked Drink-stop in the reserve.
FOP fronted up to the circle in the full inflatable donut, to get
DONUTS out the front for the Happy 60 Birthday pot. 
                      (Hashy Birthday f*ck you ....).
Stand-in Screw D & C, didn't want to screw LOIS, but stepped 
up anyway,  She thought that the run might as well have been 
in QLD, since it was so hot, dry & dusty. She was 'savaged' 
by a dog in the park, & reckoned it was her longest run at 
Hash - score 6.1. The Hash Chorus were obviously too slow 
for HEAD HUNTERshe had to speed us up somewhat !!
                        (S.H.I.T.T.Y. Trail ........... ).
SHAFTED was stand-in Sergeant, since that QUICKDICK back 
peddled, & LOIS was his 1st charge.    (She's alright ...... ).
Bikey JITTERBUG charged THE BILL for, (in the past!!) being 
trustworthy policeman.   (Put it your hand Mrs Murphy ..... ).
Of course, then DONUTS had to cop another '60' drink.
           (You're stupid, you're so f*ckin' dumb .....).
Just then, the door of the shed raised to reveal MOUNTIE's
recycled Birthday Cake come to life again, & DR DEATH arose
in his Rocky Horror (ummm Craig McLaclan) gear, complete 
with the big black eye lashes, & straight away, the comparison 
was on between his & NUTCRACKER's (eye lashes !!).
      (Oh, the wiggle of his arse ......... ), & then out came the
"Let's do the time walk again", for DONUTS & DR DEATH.
That's when Ellanor had a drink for her 'outrageous & 
embarrassing' Father !!
FOP charged/congratulated Hash Cash HER VAG for paying
for 'some' cups, but keeping us afloat, by stealing some 
others for the night, then MOUNTIE charged Susie for her
thinking that 'Organs of the Goldfields' was actually music!!
DIMWIT had a charge for NUMMY as she said "Retired, but 
I'm harder worked than ever", as she sat drinking coffee for 
over an hour at the Yacht Club. FOP then realised, (talking of 
retirement), that he hadn't welcomed back CHRIS CROS.      
                (He's the meanest ........... ).
MOUNTIE charged NUTCRACKER for having a piss weak 
voice when she came to a run marker, then DONUTS charged
D&C for the way she pinned on his large 60 badge.
DUMBER charged MOUNTIE, for being too pissed to 
remember him saying where LOIS' run was from!! Just then,
PAULINE materialised from the shed & was welcomed from 
his stint of day shift.
NUMMY charged FANG for parking the pussy scooter so that
it looked as though he had towed the caravan there.
                 (Hymn, hymn, f*ck hymn).
It's clear that MASTABAIT, BENTNOSE & all of NORMAL's
usual chauffeur's are away - he's now commandeered 
THE BILL to step in, (can't possibly take my own car!!).  
PEBBLES got a drink for his 'silent' bugle calling.
2 Dad Jokes got a run - DIMWIT (of course) with his
'alien kangaroo - the mars supial', & PEBBLES' 3M wing span
wedge-tailed eagle flying into the sun - 1 wing over the eyes
makes 1.5 wing span.  .....(it was a sight gag BENT!!).
Subway footlongs of various flavours were followed by 
chocolate cake & ice cream, then a Happy 60 Birthday cake
covered in all size & flavour donuts for DONUTS.

Next week's run - 1861 - Hare DR DEATH, from Lala Land,
                                          114 Lal Lal Street.

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