13 - 11 - '17 Run 1850 Fish Hatchery
SS's run from his 2nd home, with the Hash 33 fronting up.
FOP reminded us that the Hare had a lot to live up to, with
last year's run getting the "Shit Hot" award, but SS assured
us "not tonight". FOP then welcomed new runner Stewart.
SS described the run as probably 5.5 K, marked left & right,
& stay on trail. It took us thru' Fairyland, the Wetlands, round
the western end of Lake Gardens, south to the old Clubhouse
of Ballarat Golf & back along Sturt St to the Drink-stop at the
POW Memorial. SHAFFY asked the question, as he ran his
hand from the water trickle to the dry, "is this a cold memorial,
or a war(m)emorial - (he's such a cunning stunt!!).
At the circle, FOP welcomed newby Stewart, then welcomed
back SQUIZZY, HYMIE & DIMWIT. He took a welcome back
himself, after the whirlwind San Fran Conference week.
HEAD HUNTER handed everyone the new H3 Song Book,
& the 1st Responsorial Psalm was Page 1, Song 1,
"You're stupid" etc.
FASCINATOR was there for screwing - 1st of all SHAFTED
& DR DEATH from last week's Melbourne Cup Eve run.
Relying heavily on his "device", he went thru' the whole rant
of a Cup call, with most Hash names getting a guernsey, to
the end tune of "we'll be coming round the outside when
we come".
Then came the SS screw - fascination level of 15.4 is all we
got, & they said the 2nd screw usually takes the longest -
P5 S2, "S.H.I.T.T.Y. Trail".
Sergeant SPENCE called out NUTCRACKER for Run 15, then
went on & on about "the size of the date plus the penis less 8"
or whatever, & completely lost it. He was back on track with
D&C's run 77, GILF 250, NUMMY 500 (that got a chorus of
"I would walk 500 miles"), GLIDER 699 & MASTABAIT 1369.
We didn't get the full story, but Tommy HALF A BAR got
locked out while he was fully naked - P3 S1 - "He's the
meanest, he sucks the horse's ....... ", then DR DEATH had
another one for HALF A BAR, for the vault of material he
had to make his suit (?).
DUMB & DUMBER charged DR DEATH for leaving a stick of
sweating dynamite in the car that was to be cleaned out, only
to find a 2nd stick as they "oxy'd" a hole in the body, & as one
Doctor drinks ...... out you come ROWDY.
MOUNTIE had NORMAL & PEBBLES out the front for their
"Chrome & Coffee" show & shine at Sovereign Hill Carpark -
"could have been doing it on the bonnet".
PEBBLES gave NORMAL a drink for being seen in work
overalls, actually "doing" some work, then CHRIS CROS to
HALF A BAR for "if the Libs bite the dust, do the medals
have to go back?"
Stewart was out there for his sterling job as Grogmaster
on virgin night, then FANG for only making an appearance at
the Drink-stop, then spending all the time at the circle,
on his phone.
side stepping the main gate & getting a freeby at the
Mate4Mates Day, then NUTCRACKER was out there again for
showing her pink bits - P4 S1 - "Do your tits hang low, do
they wobble to & fro'?"
We all had a can of REAR ENTRY's Richmond beer - he said
he'd take his car tonight, but of course, that's code for,
"I won't be there!!"
SHAFTED then had SS out for the "penis in his palm"(tree),
& SOS had a drink for being the next horse owner (or should
that be loser?). Tidyhorseflesh.com.au
A quick tour of the "youngens" swimming round in their tanks
followed, & then came the banquet table & 20 assorted
Domino pizzas, quickly inhaled & enjoyed.
Next week's run - 1851 - Hare DONUTS. On on from the end of
State Forest Road (signs will be out). On after back at his place.
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