9 - 10 -'17 Run 1845 Miner's Tavern
SPARTACUS the Hare for another run from the Office, with
about 24 loyal Hashers in tow. FOP was there for the early
meet & greet, then handed over to Stand-in GM NUM NUM.
She welcomed back FLUID MOVEMENT & PAULINE, then
called on the Hare for details.
SPARTACUS assured us the run was well marked, left, right
& all thru' the fabulous North.
After a couple of hills & on-backs, trail eluded most from
about Howitt St, & the run was aborted, only to find the
welcome drink-stop back at the Office, down stairs.
At the circle, NUMMY welcomed back (in her own words),
"that Canberrian" FLUID, LOIS LANE, PRECIOUS &
NUM called out NUT CRACKER & claimed she should be
renamed Ball Breaker. She had her L A shirt on, so
SHAFTED took her away with "Lar lar la lar lar".
Next we had the foursome, D & C, NUT CRACKER, ROWDY
Stand in Screw D & C was there to screw SPARTACUS for
a run that she described as, "after Lydiard St, went down
like a withdrawn erection" - all down hill. She went on,
"it was completely f*cked, just like a dead bird." 3 out of 10.
As D & C left the screw's podium, then came the question,
"would NUT CRACKER be a good screw?"
Stand in Sergeant PRECIOUS gave NUMMY a drink & thanks
for standing up as GM, trying to "raise the bar" again, then
as Tom Petty left us this week, we are still left with SILIC.
A charge for NUMMY, something about Bathurst wet & dry,
& then that bloody "Oughta be publicly...." Aaaargh.
NORMAL was absent (who cheered?), so you'll do DONUTS,
for NORMAL being happy that the Yes vote is nearly done,
& as all Nuts drink - out you come NUT CRACKER.
PEBBLES charged REAR ENTRY. He sent R.E. the words
of the Richmond song & REARY still had to read it from
the phone - FAIL !! We did have one of the Office bar flys,
(another Stand-in) to sing along & have a drink for the
yellow & black. REAR ENTRY had another, this time from
SHAFTED who was sure that the problem was his
attention span.
MOUNTIE & PLUCKA had another Bathurst drink, for the
sports cars they both drive, and then ..... another bloody
"Oughta be public ....." - where the hell are you when I
need you HEAD HUNTER ??
PRECIOUS had a charge for MOUNTIE with 'nits' in her
jocks, then NUMMY to PEBBLES for wanting to shag
everything in sight.
LOIS LANE had SHAFTED out the front for wanting all
the walkers to pick up the grass clip at his office ........
"you're stupid ...... so f*ckin' dumb".
On the run, just by Seymours, someone on the street
asked MOUNTIE if she'd lost a dog - her reply " No, Snag's
only away, he's not lost !!" - come & have PUSBUCKET's
drink DUMB & DUMBER.
DONUTS called out PRECIOUS for claiming he could 'see'
all the unmarked on-backs, then JITTERBUG had a drink
for saying she had a 'Man' to do all her work.
MOUNTIE had just had a brazilian done, both sides this
time, & then ROWDY had a 'serious' charge for HALF A BAR's
asking 'What's a brazilian?" That got PEBBLES to charge
both NUT CRACKER & HALF A BAR for "how much is a
brazilian & how long does it take?"
Just then, HALF A BAR trotted out the 'Dad Joke of the Week',
- the everything I touch is sore blonde - "no darling, you've
only got a sore finger. Out the front ROWDY .... & as all Dr's
drink, you too DR DEATH.
SHAFTED wanted to know when the number of Hash runs
match up with the years, so our (I've got nothing else to do)
GLIDER did the sums, & reckons it's some time in 2021,
but who'll be the GM?
Final charge was for JITTERBUG having nothing beneath
her shirt apart from the 2 heaving .......! There was quite a
bit of after dinner wrestling tho' with MOUNTIE trying to
rip CLITTER's shirt off, to a chorus of "show us yer tits".
Next week's run - Hare SOS from home, 441 Doveton Nth.
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