19 - 6 -'17 Run 1829 10 Sweeney St
Virgin Hare CRUTCHLESS' chance to star at the Run Set, as
FOP welcomed LADY TRAMP, FASCINATOR's bro' Dr Nick &
welcome back to SHAFTED's bro' Gary.
CRUTCHLESS told us the run was over 5km, & that the
drink-stop is "not here, but somewhere else". About 27
rolled up - 18 "athletes" & 9 walkers. The run was set in pink
& white chalk, & flour in dobs. SS had donated a Hash T Shirt
to Juri, but after Juri peeled up a couple of layers & displayed
a Hash Shirt beneath, FOP quickly retrieved the donation, but
then the Indian Giver quickly returned same.
On the run, FASCINATOR gave the step-daughter a few
pointers, saying "don't tell the bastards anything", so we
battled on thru' some of the unusual marks, being the opposite
direction, L shape & the word printed on the road, AFTER X..??
SHAFTED remarked, that "having bro' Gary on the run, he
didn't want to lose any more brothers", & that's why
BAD HEAD JOB was too scared to set another one !!
The Drink-stop was at the Park on Nicholson St, & so ,
a short walk up the hill to the "Circle".
FOP dealt out the welcome drinks to LADY TRAMP & bro's
Gary & Dr Nick, & as you know, all Dr's drink together ..........
front & centre DR ROWDY. Welcome's back also to the
intrepid WA & NT travellers, MASTABAIT, SPENCER HOCKING
FASCINATOR rose to screw CRUTCHLESS' Virgin Run, saying
that it was very successful, confusing the old farts with marks
going every which way. He said how NUMMY on the run, had
missed her chance of some mattress action - 3 or 4 of them
stacked in the dumpster. He gave the run the FASCINATion
level of 7.9, & then we heard again the S.h.i.t.t.y trail - a few
more choristers joining the chant each week.
Sergeant SPENCE gave his first charge to the "kickee's out"
or the "kickee out's" of the MCG Corporate Box, HALF A BAR
& DUMB & DUMBER, & as all Melbourne Supporter's drink
together, out you come SS.
QUICK DICK & DUMBER had a drink for their fronting up to the
women's PMT Hash, & getting in some practise for the
Black Tie Night cross-dress.
SS & Juri had a drink for Hash Gear, then a rebound for
SPENCE after charging FANG for no gear, when FANG had
some on beneath all the time.
QUICK DICK had heard that MASTABAIT took his Teddy Bear
PJ's on the trip, to wear in the swag, & when the weather heated
up, he'd cut the legs short, but MASTABAIT took a 2nd, this
time from NORMAL, when he said that BAIT doesn't wear PJ's
when they're together.
NORMAL charged HALF A BAR for the day he invited NORMAL
& Jill out to cut some firewood, & not once did he take the
chain-saw out of Jill's hand.
HALF A BAR & Juri drank up for wearing work wear -
HALF A BAR for PIMP's horse logos, & Juri for St Pat's (Father
Who this time ??).
GLIDER charged SPENCE for his 'Phone a Friend' appearance
on Millionaire, then Juri had another one for not knowing how to
"Give Us An A".
PEBBLES thought it was piss weak of SHAFFY, that the bro's
weren't aware of Hash Gear .... give 'em a drink anyway !!
ROWDY charged SHAFFY & bro Gary, for having another bro
that had his 'person' out most at /or after Hash.
Another one for LOIS LANE. MOUNTIE charged LADY TRAMP
after she had sat on a swing saying, "I haven't been a swinger
for years", then Juri (again) for his lame attempt at comedy
with the Doctor gag & his punchline "Reptile Dysfunction".
That prompted a new Christening ..... front & centre Juri ......
enjoy the sex & running, ..... arise..... DIM WIT.
CRUTCHLESS, SPENCE & DIM WIT were next charges for
wrong spelling on Logos.
Big Events 'person' MOUNTIE announced proceedings about
next week's Mystery Bus & the cross-dressing there-of, & then
HEAD HUNTER & QUICK DICK took a drink, after she
announced that, "after seeing him with all that make-up on,
I'll never sleep (?) with him again".
Next week, Mystery Bus Trip - City Oval Pub.
Oh, & 1829 ? - should be a drink for HEAD HUNTER &
QUICK DICK for Norway's "Battle of the Square" that became
the beginning of their National Day.
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