Tuesday, April 11, 2017

10 - 4 -'17                  Run 1817                AGM

GM NUM NUM assumed the position for the last time, & drinks to welcome 
visitors BIG CLIT, Y2K JELLY, SWALLOW & DEMENTIA, then welcomes
forgot FANG, so he had to drink on his own.
Happy Birthday to 60 years 'young' DAZED & CONFUSED, & NORMAL had 
to step in to drink for her (we wondered if he has to step in for her in the 
bedroom as well !!). HEAD HUNTER was a bit 'out of it', as she had said 
bye for now to her Shielagh - as she said "Well she is my Mum".
The athletes & walkers took to the streets of the North, leaving 9 bar flys
to a stubby or 3, & hear the practise recital of Andy Pobjoy's keyboard
stand-in Kevin Mahoney, & very good too !! The next job - erect the 
Nash Hash signage. Schoolmarm CANDIDA quickly took over the
Supervisor Role, as apparently, SILIC & REAR ENTRY weren't up to
scratch, so she did the job herself. CRUTCHLESS was on crutches again,
wandering round, but only using them about every 4th or 5th step.
The On After, & NUMMY had installed the blow-up Limbo Bar, but of course
that meant "lowering the bar" - more on that later.
She trotted out the 1817 sniffyc*nts a little early, & that saw Ireland's
first Abstinence Society, so JITTERBUG was up for an Ireland drink &
DR DEATH for Abstinence, then Jane Austen's death brought to mind
her novels, 'Pride & Prejudice' and 'Sense & Sensibility', so 
DUMB & DUMBER was in there as well.
SS took the floor to screw the run, but they gave him a mic. - never let
a chance go by - & he launched into Danny Boy with obligatory vibrato,
& according to keyboardist Mahoney, all in the Key of D (that your 
key BENT?). A well stocked drink-stop topped off a good run & walk - 
thank you DUMB.
Sergeant ROWDY's last stand & had to recognise CRUTCHLESS in her 
ball gown, complete with fascinator & a pearl necklace in the cleavage -
that made him bar up !! MOUNTIE had a huge pearl necklace (the jewelry
type) trying to out-do CRUTCHLESS, and GILF & HEAD HUNTER were 
in there somewhere as well, all to be taken away by DIMENTIA.
GLIDER had PRECIOUS, as the youngest Hash Member, do a charge
in memory of ARSO, then NORMAL charged GLIDER for all the rain
over the weekend (??). SHAFTED spun a golf 'in-joke' that went flat
on it's arse - not like our usually zany SHAFFY.
FASCINATOR met BIG CLIT - thought it good 'cos he usually can't 
find it - DIMENTIA couldn't remember & maybe needed Y2K JELLY &
chances are, SILIC found a REAR ENTRY (can't read this bloody
scribble, but it's kinda like that !!).
FASCINATOR took a charge for the sad passing of John Clarke/Fred
Dag, then MOUNTIE charged SWALLOW because she couldn't spread
her legs. LOIS LANE had a celebration drink for daughter Phillipa's
marriage, then HALF A BAR had a f**kin' charge for f**kin' SILIC &
f**kin' REAR ENTRY for not f**kin' going outside because there was free
f**kin' beer inside !! THE BILL charged DUMBER for being the only one
to be run over by a boat going down the road, then BIG CLIT & 
Y2K JELLY were charged for making sure to follow MOUNTIE in 
her tights, all the way home. ROAD RUNNER made a check of the 
50 yr old Council Records & DUMBER is the only one to ever be hit by a 
speedboat on the road.
DONUTS was charged for his "spleen vent" about being sick of 
picking up at Tullamarine, only to take a phone call from the son
30 seconds later - "Can you pick me up Dad?". 
BIG CLIT charged SHAFTED for driving his car over the finely
manicured garden at the Bowls Club ( you've never seen him in
action at the Bot Gardens MR CLIT !!). FANG took the final charge
of NUMMY's 'Raise The Bar' Hash, as being the oldest (longest ?)
serving member of the original Ballarat Hash.
Old Committee out - (F**k off, you've had a fair go!!) & enter the
new GM FOP of the "Lower The Bar" Hash.

New Committee:

Grog Master  .  .  .  .  CRUTCHLESS   Hash Screw  .   FASCINATOR
Keeper of the Book  JITTERBUG       Choirmaster  .   HEAD HUNTER
Hash Cash  .  .  .  . .  HER VAGESTY  Sergeant  .  .  .   SPENCER HOCKING
Religious Advisor 
& Big Events  .  .  .  . MOUNTIE           Hash Horn  .  .  PEBBLES
Trail Master .  .  .  .  . NUM NUM          Blog Bastard .  Status Quo

New GM FOP has decided to "Lower The Bar", has aired the T Shirt,
then declared that he's a "Man of Action", but sick of cliche's - 
'build a wall', 'moooving fooorward' (ala Julia-r) etc. - so, we'll see &
good luck FOPPY.
We ate, drank & be'ed merry for the next couple of hours. Very nice 
roast, followed by small pav (I think, didn't have it) desserts and beer 
& red wine all round. Fair amount of 'darrrncing' to the excellent 
Mr Mahoney & the 1st exhibition for the year ahead of FOP's jocks - 
reckon there'll be somewhat more exposure down the track !!

Next week - Committee run from Miner's Tavern.

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