13 - 3 -'17 Run 1813 Park Hotel
Committee Run - but where's the freakin' Committee? Stand-in's everywhere.
NUMMY took charge & welcomed Shielagh, then welcomes back for Eleanor
15 Super Athletes & 5 or 6 Walkers took to the streets of the "not so fabulous"
west, leaving a couple of bar flys to breast the bar.
On the run, we saw where REAR ENTRY has started to dump some of his TV
garbage, at the gravel end of Longley St. NUMMY came across the back of the
Golf Driving Range, with what looked like a rolled up sock down the front of
the camel-toe, finally to retrieve a couple of golf balls from "down below" -
lucky they didn't slide away to get lost amongst the 'sweat of the run'.
Back at the On After, was a welcome charge to the Irish 'Shielagh', & a
welcome back to 'Eleanor' - PHUCKWIT's vacated early.
HALF A BAR proved that he could actually count past 10.
Sniffyc*nts of 1813 - well, the first lot of wool from Aus. sent to UK -
thought it might have been Blaxland & Wentworth over the Blue Mountains,
or Redmond Barry b June 7- eh ROWDY??
MOUNTIE went on & on with a Union rant about the 8 Hr Day -
"Whadawewant Whendawee Wannit?"
Stand-in Screw THE BILL made it a joint one for NUM NUM & DUMB.
SHAFTED on the run chased pussy, or was that a dog?
R.A. PUSBUCKET came forth to interject, opening with "I digress...."
(who knew?) charging DUMBER for his personalised running shoes at Hash.
Think the interjection might have had a fair bit of "how long have I been at
the Bar?" about it!!
DUMBER explained that the 'HcH' markers on the run were to denote
'Henry Headen Cuthbert'.
Stand-in Sergeant SHAFTED said it was "like sex, just hasn't done it
for a while". NORMAL was in for a charge or 2 - being sacked from
everywhere including the Bus Co, & DUMBER claiming so many ran
tonight because NORMAL was in charge of the walk. SS sent an absentee
charge to Shielagh, for being at the Trout Hatchery. HALF A BAR was
charged for killing the sheep, "But they were fucked" he said.
DR DEATH & DUMBER charged each other for dangerous driving &
no indicators. MRS DICKHEAD was charged for losing bunny rabbit
'Nibbles', NUMMY for her golf balls on the run & PEBBLES for his
mid-week text that was supposed to be a joke.
That's it - you've had a fair go!!
Next weeks run - SHAFTED, 219 Coal Mine Rd., Lal Lal.
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