Wednesday, September 16, 2015

16/9/2015 Black Tie Mystery Bus Trip

A well supplied bus headed north, pretty well directly to The Cumberland.Rear Entry felt that we were veering left but that turned out to be the political tide of affairs.
Those assembled were dressed in their finery- a state Mountie spent most of the night attempting to undo.
Num Num had us screw each other in place of the non-existent run. The Stand-In Sergeant keeps expecting the Spanish contingent to be back before cricket season. Little does he know how much they are enjoying the tail winds and downhill roads over there.
First charged were the yanks - Hal, Barbara and son. Jetlag is some excuse for their apparent bemusement at affairs.
 Two Dicks and even Rats Arse were even sighted.The former seems to need lessons in etiquette.Not standing to show appropriate reverence for the GM is unacceptable of course.
Fop,with his local footy roots and Mountie representing record setting Queen Liz  were linked with a local agricultural legend. It seems King and Queen potato asked their daughter to save herself for a suitable noble.Her choice of Dennis Commetti was deemed unseemly as he was found to be a commontata.
We commiserated with Silic on the Bulldog's loss. We congratulated Rear Entry on the Tigers replacing the 9th place bogey with eliminitis.
SoS has kindly offered to accommodate a Syrian refugee minority. Just the young, single, attractive girls with few morals need apply.
Hymen  was charged for no reason.Pusbucket told a bad joke well.
Dumb and Dumber found yet another relative on an honor board.
Good food, free grog and Andy the One Man Band who improved as we drank more.
Fop's pants were lost early.
 Shafted kept himself nice.We should get that horse that knocked him out on contract.
Don't think we left anyone in Smeaton- the real cradle of civilization.
Well done Mountie!


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