Sorry & Flo set a crack en run from Irish Murphy's Hotel. There were plenty of on backs which gave the runners extra exercise. There was some confusion in the TAFE grounds with all trail ending in on backs! in saying that, the runners stayed together and met at the drink stop in the Rotunda. SS was bringing the chips and lollies across the road for the girls (Gentleman he is) but slipped on the road and was nearly squished by the traffic!
The walkers agreed that Sorry is named appropriately cos she led them on a merry jig around around the CBD, telling them she was sorry, Sorry, for sure, for sure!
The Grand master and the stand in Grand master were absent, sooo, who took control but the two Committee want a bees Rowdy and Normal. Rowdy the Grand Master and Normal the Sergeant... They even suggested that there was no committee members present, that's why they took over...
The FOP O Metre was out and very rigid at the thought of two sisters, both nurses and blond and beautiful. The score was very high and FOP appeared sated..
Down, Downs included a welcome back for Jack, and there was a round of Nurses jokes.
Matt told a joke which was good, Tommy Half a Bar told something...
Lois Lane the Hash Haberdasher was fulfilling her role with jackets and wind sheaters for those who had purchased.
OMG in the middle of the Down, Downs the meals started to be served... there were Four down, downs left but who cares food, give me food.
Again the night was good, and a few Guinness's were consumed.
Next week is at the Grapes Hotel in Grant street so see you there God bless you all Nummy
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