Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Run 1625 3 Albion Street Golden Point: Hare: Criss Cross "The Night of The Dead"

We entered the yard and there, staring directly at the Hashers, was a body in a coffin, the eyes following us around, was it the Bill?

No it wasn't the Bill but he is the master of the coffin...

and Yes, we had entered the night of the dead ooooOOOOO, Blood was streaming, flesh was rotting and an effigy of the Chicken Master was disemboweled before our eyes... This was voodoo to prevent SOS from being Chicken Master again... Will it work?

and JeSOS said "Naharr Not F*&kin Likley, I'll be back for another F*&kin go (Scratch, pull, sniff).

The crowd went "Yeah"

The run was well set in blood and we enjoyed the Bloody Marys by the fire in the bush and the drink stop by the creek was great because KFC was there...

JeSOS began the Down, downs but where were the Drinks? who is the Grog Master? there was a distant Howl, as the crowd started looking for the grog master, had he been taken in the night... a wolf, Voodoo or some such...

Yes, you Dumb and Dumber, you are the Grog master, where is the beer!

The crowd pulled together and we had an eclectic collection of beers for the Down Downs. As punishment Dumber drank from the little white doggies bowl all night, howl, howl.

Trudy put her face in the murkin (Lois Lane) and came out christened as 2 Dicks.

RMIT was back and Normal provided the hard on for the Fop O Metre and Criss Cross consequently got a good score.

Road runner was there along with Spartacus and Master Bait, just thought I would give them a mention.

The Pizza and chocolate cake was very nice, thanks Criss Cross and we did not get kick out or banned..

See you next week following the same trail from the Harriers Club rooms, hare is Mountie see you there god bless you all Nummy

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Run 1624 Battlers Tavern Hare: Rear Entry

This was a typical Ballarat winter night, the temperature was 3 Degrees, sleet and a cold gale force wind. Rear Entry was worried no one would come to his run... the time was tick, tick, ticking, at 6:30 there were 5 Hashers... 6:40, 2 more... Rear Entry was thinking he would have to pay for 30 meals at the venue...

Not to worry, 6:50 the crowd surged in and there was an excellent roll up.

The run was washed away so we had that lively old Hare "The Bill" to lead the runners, and the weather calmed for the run, no rain and the wind abated a bit.

Squizzy did a commando roll, no serious injury.

Shafted did a fet lock, managed to struggle back to the drink stop, while Boot Rooter had a cold head problem.

The FOP O Metre ranked the run at a good erection and we were all pleased with that!

The Grand Master, JeSOS was in good form and called on his "Boys" to help him with the Down, Downs... Camilla gave in and sculled several. Timmy had a go and was ok...

SS was back from his holiday in the sun and was a bit miffed that the girls were happier to see Hymen than him!

Dumb and Dumber rented his bus to the Grand Master for the weekend and was wanting more money for the tyres. Camilla told us he was amazed at how well a twelve seater bus could spin all wheels and slide sideways, good driving SOS.

There were a number of jokes told during the evening, Lois Lane did well from her new joke book. Mountie had a go but the timing was out, Tommy Half a Bar tried to make it two in a row but was out smarted by Squizzy.

On the weekend the new Blood on the Southern Cross (Woman's) Hash was held and it was a great day. Lois Lane is the Grand Mistress and we look forward to many more great runs.

Next week is THE NIGHT OF THE DEAD at 3 Albion street Golden Point, Hare is Criss Cross so lets hope we are not kicked out... Oh come dressed as a ZOMBIE, god bless you all until next week love Nummy

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Run 1623 Grapes Hotel, Hare: Spartacus

This was an interesting run with the group staying together for the first few kilometres then there was confusion. Several Hasher's got lost and poor Precious was scared and alone in the dark, dark streets of Ballarat. His parents were also lost, and did not make it to the drink stop, which was their major concern... not little Precious!

... and what a drink stop to miss, Chips, tea, coffee and towels to sit on. The Head Master and his wife were very welcoming, many thanks.

Praise be the lord, JeSOS was back, refreshed and ready to go after his break in the sun; women, alcohol, amphetamines... perfect Holiday

Hymen was back along with RMIT.

Little Evil was the Choir Master and my goodness this Hasher is really coming of age. Well done.

The FOP O Metre did its thing, up and down... Spartacus took it all without even a flinch;are you feeling lucky punk...

Well the biggest thing that happened was, Tommy Half a Bar told a joke...
not just any joke, a joke which went on, and on, and on and BANG... there was the punch line...
This joke was indeed hilarious, the Hashers erupted into a wave of applause and laughter unprecedented in the recent history of Ballarat Hash.

Very funny, well delivered... Keep them coming Tommy, we love your jokes.

As always the food was good and we had a nice meal with friends.

Next weeks run is at the Battlers Tavern and the Hare is Rear Entry, so see you there.
god bless you all, Nummy.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Run 1622 Irish Murphy's Hotel Hare: Sorry & Flo Jo

Sorry & Flo set a crack en run from Irish Murphy's Hotel. There were plenty of on backs which gave the runners extra exercise. There was some confusion in the TAFE grounds with all trail ending in on backs! in saying that, the runners stayed together and met at the drink stop in the Rotunda. SS was bringing the chips and lollies across the road for the girls (Gentleman he is) but slipped on the road and was nearly squished by the traffic!

The walkers agreed that Sorry is named appropriately cos she led them on a merry jig around around the CBD, telling them she was sorry, Sorry, for sure, for sure!

The Grand master and the stand in Grand master were absent, sooo, who took control but the two Committee want a bees Rowdy and Normal. Rowdy the Grand Master and Normal the Sergeant... They even suggested that there was no committee members present, that's why they took over...

The FOP O Metre was out and very rigid at the thought of two sisters, both nurses and blond and beautiful. The score was very high and FOP appeared sated..

Down, Downs included a welcome back for Jack, and there was a round of Nurses jokes.

Matt told a joke which was good, Tommy Half a Bar told something...

Lois Lane the Hash Haberdasher was fulfilling her role with jackets and wind sheaters for those who had purchased.

OMG in the middle of the Down, Downs the meals started to be served... there were Four down, downs left but who cares food, give me food.

Again the night was good, and a few Guinness's were consumed.

Next week is at the Grapes Hotel in Grant street so see you there God bless you all Nummy