Thanks to Lois for her contribution in my absence last week... Chicky babe
The night was slow to kick off, is this co's the Grand Chicken "Master is back?
The run was highlighted by the Twitcher extraordinaire Masterbaits, 1200 run. He was honoured to wear the yellow bird suit and he is getting on in age and needed assistance to get into it... it is wonderful for the club to have support from a true gentleman for such a length of time. Congratulations Masterbait & here's to many more runs - on, on.
By the way, Master Bait received the prick of the week & took his time savouring every mouth full... why are we waiting, slowly.....
In acknowledging the old it was great to have a rush of young blood attending, with Jackoff
& Carmilla (Welcome back), along with Dave, Little Evil & the Grand master. Also new Young runners Desmond & Molly.. very nice. Sob, sob Hymen still away!
Hay, how lucky are the Sovereign Hash, no rain again for the run, which was good; yes you guessed it, set mostly in the East; acknowledgement to the Southern Cross. Obviously no other areas of Ballarat worth running in!
The Sargent at Arms was nearly splendid in his blue coat but did not do the buttons up correctly. Bent Nose tried on the coat and you could see the shoulder epaulet's & tassels, not sure why never noticed them before when Sharfted is wearing the coat.
Lots of Down, downs for the young & new runners, bit of Beatle verse; Desmond had a barrow in the market place.......
Half a Bar tried to tell a joke due to his success last week (apparently funny, bad luck I missed it) but the Hashers did not want to take the risk of 2 in a row!
The meal and service was excellent and the Black Chook red, left nice little smiles on everyones faces. Again great night lots of chat and laughter.
Balls up 13th October, Mountie & Puss Bucket, Num & Dum, Lois & Fluid movement, Grand master & Hymen definate. Gilf, Dave, Jackoff, Camilla, Mrs Dickhead & Fop, tentative. At this time there is accommodation for all listed. Will need to review transport with definate numbers. If you want to go let me know ASAP.
Next weeks run; J.D's Bar, Hare is Glider & On after is Top of Eureka with Brett & the gang.

Thats it lots of love & clucking Nummy
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