Lois Lane and Pauline set a run in the fabulous East. Hashers were given no indication of time or length of the run but the course was set like a true professional... tight, runners and walkers together, drink stops x 2, one with jelly shots - yummy! Lois tried to convince us she felt like a virgin setting this run .... mmh dream on baby.
Oh and it was Pauline''s birthday...., party hats, blowing thingy whistles, candles, cake, singing, dancing and jokes. We dont know how old he is but he sculled the down, down like a youngin!
Moving on... celebrations and tee shirts to Gilf (100 runs) and Glider (500 runs) and also Glider retired last friday, makes him old. There was also a new hasher - female and under 18 years "Jemilla" lets hope the young blood continues to flow our way.
Next weeks run is a mystery bus trip... hope the bus is booked, see you all up at the City Oval Hotel -bus is leaving at 6pm sharpppppp (Legs crossed).
Thats about it from your old boiler chicken blogger.
Lots of love and clucking Nummy

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