Tuesday, August 25, 2015

24/8/15 Miner's Tavern Flo Jo & Jack

A good gathering of Sovereign Hash with just the one token miner. Well done Rowdy.
No Pebbles. Some suggested he was laying low, avoiding share market investors.

The run explored more of central Ballarat, barely negotiated by Precious, brought us to a remarkably well provisioneddrink stop. Chicken sandwiches, mini rolls AND exotic beer. Not to mention those spritely women doing their boot camp things to Bubba's satisfaction.

Lots of welcomes back: Good to see Karen from Colac, Pall Bearer from Mt Clear, and SS from his adventure before dementia and Fluid Movement from her sabatical.

Bad Hare Day was a banner headline in the paper and prompted appropriate drinks. Superannuants recently impoverished were grateful for a free drink

Mountie returned from Port Douglas with arms infested by sandflies. Her application of haemorrhoidal ointment to the affected area, while soothing, just proved her continued inability to tell her arse from her elbow.

A sumptious meal followed.

 Next week to the Miller's Arms for a BBQ. Good of Num Num to offer to be Keeper of the Book, Hash Cash and Hash Flash.
Her job will be made easier when we locate the camera, the money tin or the book.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

17/8/2015 Dazed and Confused & Pebbles Red Dress Run ,Seymours

An attractive group of hashers looked even better than usual, glammed up for the event. Some were pressed into drag while the usual suspects made the most of the opportunity to frock up. Some favoured full length numbers,while others chose accessories to complement their ensembles. Pebbles apparent tribute to an Uncanny-X man was a mystery.
Donations were directed to Ballarat District Nursing& Healthcare to assist their welfare work.
The run took in downtown Ballarat where blokes attired in red apparel were seen pushing a broken down male model into a car park. The drink stop was cleverly sited to avoid the non-existent rain and was close enough to the On After to preclude many taking "travellers".
Nummy recognised the Hare's tribute to the marriage equality debate.
Gilf, Pebbles and Num Num received numerical charges. Jack's similarity to Sharon Stone and Madonna seems purely chronological.
Half-a-Bar told the one about the Irishman confusing his protestants with his prostitutes with his usual panache. That is- a great build up with a fatal hesitation at the ... punchline.
A warming meal to complete the night.
Next week at The Miner's Tavern.
Keep September 14th free for the Black Tie Night.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

10/8/15 Fop's Run from The Western

Western theme night from the Western saw almost all buy in to the theme,
with the usual exemptions (Rear Entry, Boot Rooter, and Silic looking
like a Western Canadian Lumberjack wearing the jacket he always wears.)

Royalty was present , not in the form of Her Vagesty, rather the GM of
Woollongong HHH, Triple Zero, and his trusty sidekick F U. They were
given welcome down downs prior to setting off.
A modern day record of 13 runners ran the run, well set radiating around
the Western, with a "Heavy Halt" at both of the Foster Running stores.
No one got lost or left behind, although Jack took a very long time for
a pee through the SPC fence. Bait led the walkers, Lois again left out
in the cold.
The drink stop consisted of a choice of home brew on tap, and met with
general acclaim, and the cracking whip of Glider.

Rowdy was forced by D&D in the role of GM for the night, with Spence the
fill in temporary Sergeant. Charges seemed to revolve around Rear Entry
being a slack prick, and FU being charged for being present; Shafted
wondered why Triple zero came equipped with an eastern theme to a
Western themed night? Pebbles got the Keefe and Thomas loser charge,
Lois the Kiwi loser charge, FOP the Michael Clarke loser charge, and no
one mentioned Carlton.
Plucka got charged for not getting charged, but by then FU was fucked up
by all her down downs.
Meals were well served, tasty and convivial.

Next weeks run is the Red Dress Run from Seymours, hosted by Pebbles and

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

1729 Hare Not The Bill Not Normal but Bait

Definitely an "S" themed evening.
Welcome back to Sticky (and her dad), even though she wanted Hash to be postponed until she was good and ready to make an entrance.
Those regretting the departure of  Silly Speaker  were asked to place their wallets on the bar to fund her future transport needs.
Cecil the lion also departed. Cecil is of course, named after a bike so Bent had that drink.
Cilla asked us to "Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty", an instruction that was ignored by the hare . We did, however,run out of sight of the On On this week.
Hash is never wary of taking a position on issues of the day. Pussbucket was credited with the notion that Goodsey be equipped with real spears for his next dance as a method to progressively cull the dissidents at Swans games.
Pebbles added to our combined marathon tally by running in Sunny Queensland.
BP and the Sergeant are sojourning to Spain.
SS was naturally mentioned in his absence.
Red Dress run in a couple of weeks so we would welcome ideas for a worthy charity to support.
Black Tie is also coming up so look out for details.