Thursday, March 27, 2014

Run 1655 Awards Night Battlers Taven Hare:Committee

This was really the night of the last supper. All Hashers' were dressed in their Roman gear to celebrate the grand night of awards.

there was a short run and plenty of drinks at the drink stop. The down downs went on into the awards.

Mountie won the Best club person of the year, Criss Cross the best Run (The Night of the Dead).

Her Vagesty won the Spectacle of the year for her efforts at the Shed!

Candida won the Shithouse run of the year... not sure why

The rest I cannot remember

Any was there and played some great music for us to dance to.

little Evil did a crack song

JeSoS did it his why...Pricks!

There are lots of great photos which one day we may see.

see you next week for the last run in the bush for the summer at Slatey Creek godbless Nummy

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Run 1654 Lake Wendouree, Hare;Pebbles

This run was well marked and about 7 kilometres, which is a test for a small group of the Hash runners. We took in the Lake, Victoria Park and the Lake Wendouree gardens. What a beautiful place we live in!

The drink stop was stocked with Guinness, as I forgot to mention it was St Patricks day;the run was marked twice, to be sure, to be sure. The majority of Hashers made the effort to dressing green. Bent Nose looked more Scottish than Irish, B.P was a treat in her leprechaun hat, the Bill had his shirt on inside out and D& C had the green hair happening.

The FOP O Metre was absent and Mrs D reluctantly assumed the position and screwed Pebbles.

There were no significant runs and SS complained, cos, he has not had control of the book for the last few weeks.

The down downs wished Candida a happy birthday, welcome backs to D & C and OMG Hymen came back. It was lovely to see him again after so many weeks. Fascinated told a joke about Tommy, which was funny. Spencer was quiet as he had surgery in the am to his troublesome elbow.

Normal and Bad Hair day cooked a delicious broiled meal on the BBQ. The sausages were fantastic but some of the steak was very rare, Moo!

Next week is the awards night, wear your toga. See you there god bless Nummy.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Run 1553 Miners Tavern Hare; F57ck whit Phil

This run was confusing for many of the Hasher's cos the trail crossed over the run from 2 weeks ago. Some found the drink stop easy while others took their time.

The down downs were held in a private area which was just as well because it was Spencer Hocking 1000 run and he enjoyed the challenge of 1000 down downs.

The FOP O Metre was going up and down but Phil made sure the rise was better than Bent Nose's.

Little Evil was the Sergeant and again proved he has a quick wit which is always surprising!

There was a welcome back for Dumbers favourite man Haemorrhoid's, GILF goodbye, Mountie for not knowing how to use self service,  Spencer told a joke and Tommy Half a Bar was jealous, Glider for driving from Sydney and driving a Volvo, Normal for being him.

The meal was good and this is the venue for the upcoming Balls Up in October.

That's it the run for next week is now at the lake at a rotunda. The one where Shafted backed into the pole. See you there Nummy

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Run 1652 Ballarat Indian Restuarnt Hare: Bent Nose

JeSOS arrived in sunglasses hiding his large periobital haematoma which he received for pissing near a very angry man. This injury prevented him attending his cousins wedding which JeSOS was a groomsman! Poor baby

Bent Nose set a great run but he did cross trail, a big mistake for a Hash man of his years. The run took the Hashers into areas we had not ventured for many years. The drink stop had lollies which Mountie did not eat and attempted to stop Flo Jo eating as her arse, according to Mountie, was expanding.

The down downs were held at the MADE park in front of a monument honouring Masturbators forebears. The down downs included a welcome to a visitor from PNG, to the Bill for touching up Nummies great arse, Mountie for doing a Cher on the guns, Pus Bucket for missing Spartacus, If I could turn back time. The Grog Master ran out of beer cos there were so many but I have forgotten what they all were.

Back at the restaurant we enjoyed the food and tucked in like there was no tomorrow.

Next weeks run is at the Miner Taern and the Hare is F25k Whit Phil and GILFs last run before moving to Wogga. God bless Nummy.