Tuesday, March 12, 2013

1601 Little Bendigo Primary School -Hare Squizzy

1601 Little Bendigo Primary School -Hare Squizzy

Another very hot evening for a run in Beautiful Ballarat. Squizzy did all the right things and the Little Bendigo Primary School was a good venue particularly as Spencer Hocking was back in town.

The run was in the bush and again this week very up hill and rough terrain in the hot weather. Flo Jo took her time coming down the hills after her recent fracture while Pus Bucket did some fancy stunt riding down one steep decent on his push bike. By all accounts his dismount was very skillful and he received no obvious injuries.

Mrs Dickhead and Num Num again took the long, short cut and nearly perished but luckily the drink stop was stumbled upon with only seconds to expiry from the exhaustion.

The Grandmaster was in good form and yippee Hymen was back.

The Witches Coven was in full swing during the down downs (Sorry, Flo Jo & Prue)
hee, hee, hee

Beavan got the first Prick of the Week and displayed excellent swallowing form (just like his mother). Criss Cross also got the Big Prick of the Week for getting us run outta Clunes Town a couple of runs ago. He had to wait a week because he got lost in Creswick with the cutlery and plates.

Spencer Hocking was back to screw the run ... no Beer Squizzy, shame, shame

Pus Bucket was the stand in Sergeant, no blue coat but he did a fine job.

The food was a BBQ... poor maintenance of the Hash BBQ resulted in a slow cooked meal.

WHO is RESPONSIBLE for the Hash BBQ?

All ended well, great night organised by the wizard of organisation SQUIZZY, thanks mate

Next weeks run is the Awards night so bring them back if you have one. Normals the Hare and its at the Grapes Hotel

Remember the AGM is comming, Dont be fooled ... Who is it????

Love & Clucking Nummy


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

1600 Cosgrove Reservoir Creswick - Hare GILF

1600 Cosgrove Reservoir Creswick - Hare GILF

This was a fantastic venue, out in the bush land of Creswick. The directions were good and most of the Hashers arrived at the designated time. Squizzy drove backwards but I think that's just him!

The weather was hot and the run was  very physical. Through the bush, up hills and down again. It was well marked with toilet paper and flour but Lucky Beer Fuck had his GPS to ensure we got completely lost trying to short cut.

Rowdys friend Prue was back for another run and so was Shaun and Esmay. The big fella Heavy was there also. Great to have them back. Hymen, Shafted and Spencer were away. We miss you.

There were a few stand ins, and very few Chicken hats. Bent Nose and Max were standing in for the Sergeant... no Blue coat this time. Mountie screwed the run and Bevan was wearing the Grand Masters coat, not sure why?

The down downs were completed well before the food was ready. Mountie was very happy.

Pus Bucket and Mountie celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary during the week, congratulations, what a good effort.

The food was good and GILF did a great job.

The Chicken Master is wanting to do back to back years as Grand Master... this may not be so bad!

The usual banter has started WHO will be the new grand master?????? only time will tell...

Remember the AGM is on April fools day, Sooooo dont be fooled!

Next week is Squizzies run at Little Bendigo Primary school. See you there
Love and Clucking Nummy.

1599 Clunes Hotel Clunes Hare Criss Cross

1599 Clunes Hotel Clunes Hare Criss Cross


The weather was against the Hashers with torrential rain and thunder.

On the way to the venue Dumb had to rescue Mountie and Pus Bucket from the storm.

The thunder knocked out the electricity supply to Clunes.

The pub had no power so closed for the night.

Unfortunately this was after the run had started and keys, bags, cloths and the salads for the BBQ were locked in the pub.

The venue was changed to the rotunda up the road and across from the pub. Shafted and Pus Bucket were selling warm beer at very cheap rates.

Mary had planted a big black spider on Rear Entries windcheater but Shafted, being the protector of all living things, flicked it to the ground before it could bite. This spider is now living in Clunes... poor thing, it now has 9 legs.

Not sure what happened on the run but all runners appeared suitably breathless and found their way back to the drink stop without too much trouble, as the markings were washed away.

The BBQ was fired up early just like the beautiful publican, but I will discuss that in the next paragraph. Sausages and pork spare ribs... yummy. Made the down downs much more palatable.

The Sargent at arms was in good form in his beautiful blue coat. The Choir Master and the Screw were away so there were stand ins... lets hope the others are back next week.

Well back to the publican cos I am running out of time... she called the police because we offended her... Sergeant in the beautiful blue coat made some comment about Miss Clunes

we were given half an hour to get outta town...

Criss Cross, this is a habit for your runs.. Banned again, so for those who brought along their Banjos lucky you didn't play cos we may have had more of the locals to contend with!

Next weeks run is at a reservoir in Creswick and the Hare is Gilf. That's all I know??????

Love and Clucking NUMMy

1598 Calambeen Park Creswick: Cricket match Hare Pus Bucket

1598 Calambeen Park Creswick: Cricket match Hare Pus Bucket

This is a classic event arranged by the master of all things Crickety:Pus Bucket

The venue was great, with the lake and fisherman strategically place around the edge.

SS became extremely excited at the sight of the other fishermen and after the run dressed up in his fly fishing garb (OMG) and took his position on the edge. He didn't catch anything!

Back to the run .. now did I mention that the night was hot, sooo the run was difficult with the majority of runners short cutting, leaving Mountie and Hymen to complete the entire run together..., alone. Both were hot and sweaty and lept into the lake to cool down on their return... mmmh did Mountie finally get her wish with Hymen?

Now the cricket match was sensational.
The crowd were gripped by the high standard of batting and bowling displayed by all participants, with the winners of the match decided by a sudden death play off. Masturbater and Glider only lost the match by a heart beat! Thank goodness their hearts were still beating; what with the heat, cos if you consider, the combined approximate ages of the teams were 50 against 136 years. Anyway Chicken master, any win is a good win, so congratulations to you and Hymen;That's two in a row for the Chicken Master...

Mountie made scrumptious salad and meat rolls and a delicious carrot cake with her own tiny hands. The left overs were taken by the Chicken Master for his lunch the next day. Waste not want not!

Overall another sensational classic cricket event, well done Pus Bucket.

Next week Criss Cross run at the Clunes Pub... bring your Banjo's, for the dual...
Love and Clucking Nummy

1597 Delacombe Park Hare Pebbles

1597 Delacombe Park Hare Pebbles

Didn't go because I was sick. So if anyone has anything to say about this run please do.

Otherwise it was a good run from a new location by Pebbles, screwed admirably by Spence, but why did he leave the condom on the ground for FOP to notice? Charges were from the back verandah of the change rooms, not the pub, which confused and chilled a few people. Welcomes back to the Hare(s), also Heavy and Doggy Bags.

See you next week, SNAG is doing his wonderful, classical Cricket Run from Calambeen Park in Creswick. See you all there.

Love and Clucking Nummy

1596 Kiwi Day Hare Spencer Hocking

1596 Kiwi Day Hare Spencer Hocking

The night was hot and the flies were assisting us to see the trail by trying to open our eye lids.

Great run, went for kilometres. I actually thought I was running over to Kiwi land, but no, we were close, it was only B.P's house for the drink stop!

There were no fush and chups or Hangi for us to enjoy on Kiwi day however the meal was a delicious spit roast. Heaps and heaps of meat. Normal and Sil unt were satiated, this is rare or was the meat rare?

The lamingtons were home made by Rats Arse, who incidentally, always enjoys a good Hash night of entertainment!

Unfortunately I am having trouble accessing the Internet so my blogging is a little behind, (Like mine) so I cannot remember the funny down downs, but believe me, they were Hilarious !

Next week is a run in Delacombe with Pebbles ... be there or go swimming.

Love and Clucking Nummy

1595 Australia Day Hare Lois Lane

1595 Australia Day Hare Lois Lane

What's this, the Kiwi hosted the Australia Day run and next week the Aussie is hosting the Kiwi day run.... mmh

Well I did not attend this run in protest, so if anyone wants to add something feel free!

Aw... Not really, I did a pub crawl with a few other hashers on our bikes (hic) and could not ride all the way out to Lois Lanes, (hic)

So see you next week is at Spencer Hocking's for the Kiwi day run...

Love and clucking Nummy

1594 Dollys Road Morrison, Hare 1/2 Bar, birthday & 1000th run celebration

1594 Dollys Road Morrison, Hare 1/2 Bar, birthday & 1000th run celebration.

We all met at the City oval Hotel to have an exciting ride on Wayne's party bus;coloured streamers, beer and a sexy little hostess accompanied us for the trip. Wayne had some special instructions - DON'T THROW CANS OUT THE WINDOW, all Hashers took heed and not one can left the bus via the window.

The run was long and I think the trail was set in sheep dung... well there was a lot of it around. We ended up at the cemetery where we all payed out respects to 1/2 a Bra, we miss you Joy, you were a special Hasher; and you made lots of great salads!

There were members of the Geelong Hash and a Brisbane Hasher and Carpet Burns and Doggy Bags arrived too which made the run very special. Also there were some friends of 1/2 Bar who did not pay... please see Candida!

Spartacus won the raffle, congrats Hass.

The Grand Master and the Sargent in his splendid Blue coat had trouble controlling the group with a background of 100 barking dogs and Hashers having their own private conversations. The down downs went on and on and on and so did the dogs!

1/2 a Bar was very moist by the end of the night, and Dan, Dan, the Tusker man did not let us down and was intoxicated.

On the bus and home, no streamers but the Hostess was still there, all good and lots of fun.

Next weeks run is confusing as it is the Australia day run but is being held by a Kiwi; and the next week is Kiwi day and is being held by an Aussie... go figure?

See you all next week in your Aussie apparel, lots of love and clucking Nummy.

1593 - Hare S.S

1593 - Hare S.S

Did not attend this run so if anyone would like to contribute please feel free. I expect it was a well organised and fun night.

Love & Clucking Nummy

1592 Hunt street Hare, Heavy.

1592 Hunt street Hare, Heavy.

Thank heavens Heavy painted the thing in the middle of his drive way white as Dummer tripped on it again...! We ran around some where, I think up black hill, which was hot and dusty and we were all bugged; but as I am writing this blog some weeks later I cannot remember much of what happened!

I know the mussels were bearded, no, de bearded and the mussel stew was delicious, many thanks for the night Heavy, I had a good time.

Next weeks run is S.S's with the on after at top of Eureka. I will be on holidays in Queenscliff so hope you all have a good run and enjoy the pizza

Love & clucking Nummy

1591 New Years Run, Hare the Dickheads at their place.

1591 New Years Run, Hare the Dickheads at their place.

Goodbye 2012 and bring on the new year 2013.

A small crowd of Hashers gathered to welcome in the new year. The run was a nice lumber through Victoria park and surrounds. The Dickheads cooked up a great Indian feed which mixed with beer allowed for a gaseous atmosphere to welcome in the New Year. Even the dogs were having issues and Beer Fucks littlin found out that dog shit spreads very easily from the foot!

Next weeks run is in Hunt street and the Hare is Heavy. see you there,

Love and Clucking Nummy

1590 Christmas Run, Dum & Num

1590 Christmas Run, Dum & Num

Merry Christmas and farewell to 111 Webster street. This was the last run at the big house and the large spacial garden where many a Hasher has partied over the years... we never found Mrs Dickheads teeth... and who stole old Henry's P.J's... S.S?

Any way the run and carol singing was outstanding and for a short time Mounties dreams came true as Puss Bucket turned into Hymen!

More Wood returned for the run after a couple of years in absence, it was good to see the big fella again. Everyone enjoyed the B.B.Q and the plum pudding was fantastic.

All had a good time and are now ready to enjoy the festive period with friends and family.

Next run will be New Years Eave at the Dickheads. Lots of love and clucking Nummy.