Greetings fellow hashers
Conratulations to our 2 Super Runners.
Shafted 200 runs & FOP 100 runs. Great effort.
Other significant runs were: Normal 669, Bad Hair Day 555, Donuts 450 & SOS 69.
Last night saw the introduction of the "Dick of Distinction'. We had an 'almost Spectacle of the year' nomination when 1/2 a Bar almost took the tip off Bent Noses' dick.
We acknowledged our ANZAC soldiers. Don't forget Dawn Service if you would like to hear Bad Hair Day blow his horn. Very impressive to get any action out of it on such a cold morning!
We also said goodbye to Squizzy, who is off to the US of A to check out his personal can of tuna. Don't forget Squizzy, don't lick the bottom!!
Next weeks run is a visit to Geelong - Hill Billy Country. Bus leaves at 6pm from City Oval. There will be a few drinks supplied for the trip down but you may want to take a couple of travellers for the trip home.
Bus will leave Geelong at 10.30pm.
There is also a trip to Melbourne Ladies AGM & 30th birthday on Thurs 1 May.
Cost: $20 roast & giveaway.
Dress: Hash formal - Pearls
We will leave at 5.30pm & will share the cost of a small van.
On On
Lois Lane